Sunday, 26 September 2010

Valuable lesson

One for me today. I have to admit that in many ways it is still early days for my new wife and myself and we are still finding things out about each other. I hope it will remain that way for the rest of our lives together, I would rather that than live a life of monotony. Anyway, today I saw her use a brilliant argumentative device. She was confronted by the fact that she had barefaced lied about something. The interesting thing was that when confronted by the facts and several witnesses agreeing their version she simply denied that she had lied. She didn't deny any of the evidence or that she had said what she had said, she just ignored all of that. She just innocently denied having lied and stuck to that simple statement. No need to argue the facts, just ignore them and question everyone why the are launching a vendetta to besmirch her character. Absolutely brilliant! I actually really admired it. The thing is I think she actually believes in her innocence. Is that a form of sociopathy? I hope not, that could be a little worrying. I did have a little chuckle to myself though imagining the accused in court, no matter what CSI had up their sleeves just keep sticking to plain denial.

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